
 Gen 3 Nuclear Industry

 Petrochemical Industry

 Rotors, Shafts & Etc.

Product Lines

The Generation 3 Nuclear Island

The Generation 3 Nuclear Island, with gravity fed water cooling requiring no external electric power or human intervention, necessitate steel bushings of a size and tolerance never before forged and fabricated. The largest of these bushings, at 8.2 meters, begin with 650 ton ingots subsequently forged to 400 ton finished pieces and machined to achieve a 20 micron tolerance. Brighton Energy singularly possesses the technological ability and shop floor management expertise to efficiently cast and forge these components and fabricate them into complete pressure vessels.


Brighton Energy’s efficient production of the world’s largest bushings—up to 8.2 meters—allows the petrochemical industry to fabricate pressure vessels of a single forged bushing size never before achievable.

Rotors, Shafts & Other Forged Components

Brighton Energy will forge and machine the largest components for shipbuilding, hydropower, windmill, conventional thermal power electric plant, cement making and other similar applications.